Don’t Wait to Receive Urgent Dental Care Near Me – Contact Precision Dentistry of Olympia Today
Whether you have a sudden, severe toothache, a knocked-out tooth, or facial swelling, these are all signs of dental emergencies requiring urgent attention by an experienced dentist to save your natural tooth and stop the progression of serious dental infections.
At Precision Dentistry of Olympia, we advise patients facing dental emergencies to seek immediate dental care sooner rather than later. Waiting for too long can lead to unfavorable outcomes not just for their teeth but also for their general health.
What is a Dental Emergency?
Dental emergencies are situations that require timely intervention to prevent potential complications or risks. If you experience symptoms such as persistent pain, uncontrolled bleeding, a fractured or knocked-out tooth, immediate dental care is crucial and should be sought as soon as possible.

What Qualifies as a Dental Emergency?
If you believe your situation demands immediate dental attention, don’t hesitate to call our office immediately. We will provide instructions on what to do while scheduling your urgent appointment, which in turn helps preserve your teeth and oral health. Here’s a list of dental emergencies that warrant a consultation:
Severe, Persistent Toothache
If you experience severe pain that disrupts your sleep and isn’t relieved by over-the-counter medications, you might have a heavily decayed tooth with an inflamed pulp. Getting urgent care is important not only to relieve your pain but also to save the tooth.
A Dental Abscess or Facial Swelling
Leaving a badly infected tooth untreated can lead to the spread of the infection into the surrounding teeth and bone, potentially causing a dental abscess or facial swelling. Suppose you’re experiencing severe, unbearable pain that is not relieved by medications. In that case, you need to book an urgent appointment in order to identify the cause of the swelling and get the issue resolved before it worsens.
A Knocked-out Tooth
In some cases of severe trauma or accidents, patients might have one or more teeth knocked out of their natural position in the mouth. This serious type of dental emergency requires prompt intervention by our skilled team. With our expertise, we can get your natural tooth repositioned and splinted in place, restoring its normal function and appearance!
Partially dislodged Tooth
If you’ve experienced severe trauma, you might get one or more teeth partially dislodged from their positions in the mouth. However, these teeth are not completely knocked out; they are still in their sockets. This condition often accompanies severe pain, so you should contact our team for prompt treatment.
A small chip or crack in a tooth
If a portion of your tooth has suddenly fractured, whether while chewing or due to trauma, it’s advisable to save the fractured piece if possible. Upon arriving at our office, our team can use strong resin adhesives to bond this piece to your tooth. This procedure helps maintain the functionality and natural appearance of your tooth.
What Benefits Should I Get Following Emergency Dental Care?
Pain Relief
Dental pain can significantly impact your quality of life, especially if it doesn’t improve with medication. This is where emergency dental care comes into play. After a quick consultation, we can help you identify the root causes of pain and develop a treatment plan that best suits your condition.
Preserving Your Natural Teeth
Whether you get your tooth broken or knocked out, a timely intervention gives your teeth another chance to survive. Getting your natural tooth back to function helps you preserve your oral health, reducing the need for pricey restorative treatments.
Minimizing Your Risks for Further Complications
In dental emergencies, the sooner you get treatment, the better the outcomes you achieve. Some conditions, such as dental abscess or swelling, can lead to potential complications when ignored since the bacteria might spread into surrounding oral structures. When these conditions are treated in their early stages, you can arrest the disease progression, resulting in a more favorable prognosis.
What should I do if I get my tooth knocked out?
When you get your teeth knocked out, staying calm is crucial. Hold the tooth by its crown (the visible part above the gum line), avoiding touching the root. Rinse the root gently with saline or water, keeping any tissue fragments intact. Then, reposition it inside its socket if possible, or store it in a cup of milk. It’s essential to schedule an urgent appointment since your dentist has only thirty minutes to save your knocked-out tooth.
What should I do if I have a dental abscess?
First, you can apply a cold compress or ice packs over the affected area in order to reduce swelling. Additionally, you can take over-the-counter analgesics and rinse your mouth with salt-water solutions for temporary pain relief. Then, schedule a quick appointment with our team to help you further.
My tooth broke; what should I do?
First, if there’s bleeding, apply gauze with pressure for ten minutes to stop it. Next, rinse the broken part of the tooth with water. Applying a cold compress along with taking an over-the-counter pain reliever can help alleviate pain until you see Dr. Xu.
Do you have a dental emergency? Are you looking for a same-day dentist near me? Call us at (360) 995-0025, and we’ll do our best to get you in right away.
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