Wisdom teeth, sometimes referred to as third molars, are the last teeth we get as humans. They typically come in between the ages of 17 and 25. Most people have four wisdom teeth (two molars in each arch). However, some individuals have their wisdom teeth impacted or embedded inside the jawbone due to genetics, lack of space in the arch, misalignment, abnormal path of eruption, late development, and others. Extraction may be necessary in cases where wisdom teeth cause pain, discomfort, swollen gums in the back of the mouth, headaches, or limited mouth opening.
Getting your wisdom teeth extracted is a pretty straightforward procedure and nothing to be nervous about. Precision Dentistry of Olympia is fully dedicated to enhancing patient safety and comfort, taking all precautions before removal, and ensuring the best post-operative care and a smooth recovery.
When Should You Remove Your Wisdom Tooth?
While our team takes a conservative approach when possible, we prefer extractions when wisdom teeth have not fully emerged, possibly causing injuries to adjacent teeth or surrounding soft tissues. Extraction may be recommended if you have:
A partially impacted wisdom tooth
A partially impacted tooth occurs when one or more cusps of the tooth have emerged through the gum, but a portion remains embedded inside the jawbone. This means the tooth has not fully come into the normal and correct position, preventing it from functioning properly.
A fully impacted wisdom tooth
In this case, the wisdom tooth has not emerged through the gum and is completely embedded inside your jawbone.
A badly decayed wisdom tooth
Patients with poor oral hygiene may have decayed wisdom teeth, which can become a source of infection in the mouth; in cases such as these, extraction is recommended.
Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Although some patients with impacted wisdom teeth are symptom-free, others may experience annoying symptoms requiring immediate attention. Here’s a list of signs associated with impacted wisdom teeth:

Pain or Earache
Whether you experience persistent or intermittent pain behind your back teeth (molars), possibly radiating to surrounding areas such as the ears, this could be a sign of either a decayed or impacted wisdom tooth.
Bleeding gums around the third molar region
If you have a partially impacted wisdom tooth, you may experience recurrent episodes of gum bleeding and swelling in this area, putting you at risk for periodontal diseases.
Restricted jaw movements
Some patients may also have difficulty opening their mouths or chewing foods, which often causes pain or discomfort.
What Can You Expect When Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?
After your initial consultation with Dr. Xu, he will determine if you need to have your wisdom teeth removed. Here’s what the process looks like.
Wisdom Teeth Removal Without Surgery
Extraction will be easy and simple if you have a fully erupted wisdom tooth. We’re committed to providing a safe and comfortable experience by administering a local anesthetic solution, which anesthetizes the third molar area and significantly reduces any pain or discomfort during the procedure.
Surgical Wisdom Tooth Removal
When your wisdom tooth is partially or completely impacted, Dr. Xu makes a small incision around the third molar area, removes the bone covering the affected tooth, and extracts it.
We may recommend sedation if you have anxiety related to dental visits. After the surgery, our team will give you detailed post-operative instructions to avoid any possible complications.
Do I Need to Have My Wisdom Teeth Out?
Removing your impacted wisdom tooth is important to avoid potential risks associated with impactions, which may include:
Developing A Periodontal Disease
Pericoronitis is a common inflammatory condition often occurring with a partially impacted wisdom tooth. It affects the gum tissues surrounding this tooth. If left untreated, it may induce pain, infection, and periodontal diseases.
Developing an Oral Lesion
A fully impacted wisdom tooth can lead to a tumor or jaw swelling, causing bone resorption around the tooth, jaw swelling, pain, and restricted jaw movements. If you experience any of these signs, you should seek urgent consultation.
Damage to Adjacent Teeth
A wisdom tooth might be vertically or horizontally impacted, potentially damaging second molars. So, if it is in close proximity to neighboring teeth, it should be removed promptly.
What Next?
If you need or are considering getting your wisdom teeth removed in Olympia, WA, call our office today at (360) 995-0025 to schedule an appointment. Dr. Xu will examine your teeth to determine if removal is necessary. If so, we will ensure your experience is as painless and comfortable as possible. Contact us today for more information.
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